Today’s society has lost the value of real news. People care about politics, economics, and the world around us, but only the surface. They want to know quick facts on important subjects, then all they want to hear about is celebrities and gossip. People are getting their information from Facebook and Twitter instead of the Washington Post or New York Times. All the news they hear is second hand and can get lost or mistranslated in the shuffle.
I know from my generation and my younger sister’s that many young individuals today are ignorant in the sense that they only listen to gossip and secondhand news. They care more about Kim Kardashian’s social life they do about the upcoming election. Journalist are losing their influence and voice the longer our media is free and young people don’t care. Personally I would pay for my news for multiple reasons. I want to know that what I am reading is well researched and up to date. I like having an unbiased opinion and someone who wants to tell me the truth. The feeling of picking up a newspaper in the morning and sitting down to talk about current events will never get old.
Our society needs to be informed about what they are doing to their sources of news. They want everything in their hands whenever they feel like reading it, but don’t realize that because they aren’t doing anything to help keep those news sources running, they could eventually be getting news from uneducated peers looking for attention and followers.
I do however think that Journalists will always have some voice in media. They might be decreasing but there will always be a need for information and people to gather it. That aspect of Journalism will always be in our society as long as there are individuals who care to report on the truth. People have a constant need for information and others like me have a desire to give it to them. I think there are many individuals in this society that care enough about newspapers, magazines, radio stations and TV networks that we won’t lose them. If society cares enough about getting accurate and up to date news, we may be able to salvage these important news sources.